Category: Interventions

Interventions are strategies to assist in improving mental health.

Equine-assisted Therapy

April 2, 2024
Horses are often used in counseling and therapy settings as a part of equine-assisted therapy, also known as equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) or equine-assisted counseling. This therapeutic approach involves interactions between...

Top EMDR Therapists in Washington State

March 25, 2024
Angela Jacobs, LMHCA, Counselor & Pscyhotherapist Lake Chelan, WA 98816 & 98831 I specialize in Trauma and PTSD, ADHD and Narcissistic Abuse, all of which can be helped with EMDR...

EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

March 20, 2024
History, Foundations, and process of EMDR as a therapeutic approach in counseling.

Modalities and Style

March 19, 2024
In counseling, modalities refer to the different approaches or techniques that counselors use to work with clients and help them address their concerns. There are various modalities used in counseling,...